Friday, September 04, 2009

Rendered Speechless...Still I Will Say...Blessed Be The Name of The Lord!

Most people who know me know that words usually come easily to me. I teach communication classes, write speeches, give speeches, and talk freely. Not lately.

I have been, as my Mom and Nana used to say, "rendered almost speechless" by the events of late. I've tried to blog about it all, but the words just weren't there.

Until this morning.
I went on a Christian Mom's blog I follow. Her daughter was born with a congenital heart defect and she had a song on her blog that brought me to tears. The title is "Blessed Be Your Name."

Hearing this music, and seeing these lyrics, says it all for me right now. So much has happened...
Amy running at the lake and being hit by a car. This broke my heart.
Mary Ann Sanger dies
My knee injury
Some people I thought would really show up (physically and emotionally) in tough times didn't
More cuts at the college
Getting a horrible case of the flu
Feeling sad about some relationship dynamics
Bill Greene having a heart triple bypass operation
Donna, in our church choir, having to give up singing because of medical problems in her throat

The list goes on and on and my heart has felt heavy and sad, yet I just couldn't find the words to talk about it. Until today.
I know well, after 62 years on the planet, and becoming a Christian at age 14, that there are times, as the song says, "when the sun's shining down on me..and the world's all as it should be". Most of my life resembles these words. I have been truly blessed with love and health most of my life.
I also know that the times that really grow me, the times that challenge me and hurt me, are the times when I lean the most on God. Those are the times "marked with suffering and there's pain in the offering." I would never choose those times, but I CAN choose to grow from them and get through them with Grace.

So today, the words are flowing and I am praising God, no matter what!

"My heart will choose to say
God blessed be Your name!"
God Bless!
Love Linda

God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....

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