"If you want something new,
you have to stop doing something old."
- Peter Drucker
The fireplace is blazing, and this morning the temperatures outside are below freezing. What a perfect morning to get a warm cup of coffee, snuggle up with a fuzzy throw, pet our sweet pooch Daisy, and just take a long-awaited deep and inhaling breath.
Ah...a moment of peace.
My eyes glance up to the wall across from my comfy spot,
the place where I read, grade papers, and write blog posts.
The wall, dotted with photographs and sayings and words is
a black and white, and beige and sepia-toned wall.
There a large quote stands out, framed in rough wood. It was an anniversary present for my beloved Bert...
You have my whole heart for my whole life.
And he does, too.
Other momentoes, reminders of days gone by...
Old photographs of Bert, years ago, as he was windsurfing at the start of the sport he named. Precious pictures of Bert and his Mama, the girls, the grandkids, their faces beaming at me.
And words and sayings sprinkled in with an old clock whose ticking is a backdrop for remembering how fast time passes.
Yet the highlight of the wall, the thing that draws the most questions and comments from dear friends passing by, are the words there. Each one drawn on a unique chalk frame, calligraphied by my very own hand and pen.
In 2014 I started to pick a "word for the year." Sometimes the word would hit me in the face and almost say aloud,
"Concentrate on me, keep me in your mind and heart."
Other words would feel like God whispered their existence and they came up again and again until I picked them.
Amazingly, every time, God's word-of-the-year was exactly, perfectly what I needed to focus on. A visual and audio affirmation of where my mind and heart needed to be.
2014: Wholehearted
2015: Renew
2016: Light
2017: Hope
Each word, in its own time, acted almost like a lighthouse to a sailor lost at sea. They have been a reminder of what really matters. They have been a reminder of God's intentions for my life.
Usually the word comes to me by the first of the year, but not this year. And I decided to relax and let the word percolate and come in its own sweet time, trusting that if God wanted me to have a word, He would make that word known.
And He did.
Suddenly the word Transform was everywhere. And it was clear that the kind of transformation God had in store for me wasn't an exterior makeover.
He was guiding me and inspiring me to change my life not just on the exterior, but more importantly on the interior. Not only did the word show up, suddenly butterflies kept coming up in pictures and in dreams. So I felt led to spend some time reading about the real transformation that butterflies go through before they are ready to fly.
My oh my, I had no idea how this echoed my own life.
Butterflies are not born, they develop. They even have a shedding of the old process, a "molting" if you will, before they can be all they are meant to be.
It seems that God is calling me to that kind of transformation.
And I truly believe that His Holy Spirit, His love, His presence can transform my heart and my life so I can have an even deeper relationship with Him.
"Not my will, His will," as my dear friend Vicky Westra says.
That's what is in store for me in 2018, and I am at once delighted, scared, and exhilarated. I can't wait to see what God's plan looks like.
As I quickly approach another birthday, 71 on February 5th,
it seems so perfect as I see a birthday as a symbol of being transformed. No matter how old I am, I am never "done."
God continues His ongoing work in me.
I love the Bible verse (Ezekiel 36:26) where God says..
"And I will give you a new heart, and a new
spirit I will put within you."
What a great 71st birthday present!
Sending you loves, hugs and prayers!
God bless!
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Such a powerful word! I can see its already working for you and I long to follow your journey with this word. How exciting- transform! I also admire your wall of words and how you make a space for each one in your daily life. Interesting to learn about the nature of butterflies-the whole process is fascinating. So happy to be refreshed by your words today and hear your "voice!" Blessings on your day! Love to you and yours!
Hi it's me Myia! My computer decided months ago that it needed to block your blog site..but now it's not!!! I love you and miss you! Hope to see you soon! I love you to the moon and back again and then some! Love, hugs and more love!!!! M
Oh how I love your word! Transformed! I just love it!! It wasn't till just this moment I found my word! Abiding! Look the definition up! How I love your words that hold utter wisdom! Still praying for your grandson!!! And much more. What a gift you are sweet soul sister!!! Thank you for you!!!
February 5, 2018
Happy birthday, sweet friend.
What a blessing it is to have met you. No. I haven't done that face to face, but what is important is that I have done that heart to heart.
The love of the Lord shines through you in more ways than I can write about here in this comment section.
I love your word for this year. Transformation. Yes. I can relate to that in so many ways. Isn't it wonderful how the Potter molds us!
I just need to be still and let Him do His magnificent work in me. I tend to be impatient (imagine that!)....
I thank you again for the beautiful bouquet of flowers you sent to me while I was sick. You are an incredible friend.
I hug you from here....and I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet friend.
Feb. 10
I'm checking in....and letting you know that I am continuing to pray for your sweet Jacob.
Sending love from Georgia,
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