It may just be my age, but I am brought to tears easily these days. When something touches my heart or seems to hit the nail on the head in telling the truth, the tears just flow. I love being older.
I absolutely adore the wisdom that is available at this age, if only I open my eyes, ears and heart to take it all in. Life lessons can come in many packages, and some are gift wrapped with a big red blow.
Most days I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for it all. The blessings and the uphill battles.
It is all fodder for strength, fuel for the fire, muscle-building exercises that stimulate me to stretch and find out who I really am. And I am all about growing and soaking in who I really am and who He means for me to be. What He has for me to learn. And today is a day of learnings, filled to the brim...overflowing.
Today is Mother's day. Today small children may be gripping pencils and carving messages on paper and into their mother's hearts...messages so dear, so simple that they are "keepers," reminders to revisit when things get tough. Messages from the purest souls. I love you Mommy! You're a good Mommy!
Adolescent children may, with some small sense of obligation, be looking for cards. Trying to find a message that fits their own individuation while simultaneously expressing a caring that goes deep into their bones. Older children, who are now parents themselves, may be nodding with a new sense of understanding and are looking for deeper messages as they are starting to "get" what it really means to be a Mommy... the mighty force, the constant vigilance, the love that knows no bounds. The job description no one tells you about when you first hold that sweet baby in your arms.
Mother's day is joyous for some and deeply anguishing for others. Yesterday I spent time calling some of my soul sisters whose Moms have gone "home". Today, for them, is a mix of memories, some laced with abundant joy, others entwined with wistfulness and loss. Words unspoken... I wish I could tell her how glad I am she was my Mom.
Other Moms have lost a child and the hole in their heart seems to never fully heal.
Each child has your heart and part of their heart is missing. Other women have longed to be Moms.
It didn't work out for a multitude of reasons. Or they may have lost babies with a miscarriage. They were a Mommy for an instant, but that child is still theirs, an ever present ache. They are still a Mommy, longing for someone who cares enough to listen to their story. Other mothers are estranged from their children or there is an uneasiness and lack of comfort in the relationships that strains
their hearts. A palpable tension between Mommy and child. This day may be full of "I wish I had", "I wish I could go back and do it over" moments.
Mother's Day isn't as simple as a Hallmark card might lead you to believe.
I often think about Mary, the Mother of Jesus on Mother's Day. I imagine what it was like for her
to hear the news she was with child, to know that Joseph might leave her, to undergo scrutiny and stares that as an unmarried young woman, she was pregnant. I often wonder about her journey on a donkey and giving birth in a stable, being homeless. I often wonder what it must have been like to raise Jesus, mentor Jesus, make meals for Jesus, worry about Jesus. I wonder what it was like when she started to see His holy gifts be revealed, the pride she had, the wonder that overtook her on occasion. I wonder what it felt like to hear His lessons and see His disciples do acts of mercy.
* I wonder what it was like for Mary when she saw her son care for the unlovable, the outcasts,
and spread messages so deep, so profound that you could see God the Father through His words.
* I wonder what it was like for Mary to see her son persecuted and misunderstood, carrying a cross through the streets with thorns dug into his head, the same head she had kissed so tenderly.
* I wonder what it was like for Mary to see Him on a cross, nails through the same hands and feet she had gently caressed when Jesus was a small and tender infant.
* I wonder what it was like for Mary to hear the words of her son, asking his disciple, to take care of His mother. Even then, from a cross dying, Jesus knew His mother needed caring for. That her heart was breaking at the loss of her child.
* I have always wondered what it was like for Mary to be a Mommy.
I love the prayer that starts with...
"Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee..."
She was grace personified. Grace in action. Strong, mighty, amazing, enduring grace.
Mary, a Mommy behind the scenes.
Mary who loved Jesus with all her heart and soul.
Mary knew what it meant to be a Mommy and feel profound grief at the loss of her child.
Today is Mother's Day. And just as Jesus loved his Mommy, Mary, I am touched beyond words to see another son reach out and care for the Mommy who raised him. A Mommy who was young and pregnant and alone and homeless and poor economically.
This son's name is Kevin Durant. Yes, Kevin Durant the basketball player for Oklahoma.
The Kevin Durant who used to play for the Seattle Super Sonics. The Kevin Durant, if you follow
sports, who just became the MVP for pro basketball. His message to his Mommy, in some small way,
reminds me of how Jesus may have felt toward Mary. His message has gone viral and Moms all over are wheeping at his touching the acknowledgement of the sacrifice his Mommy made for him.
DO NOT MISS THIS...It is a soul-restorer!
To all the strong, mighty, wonderful, unselfish, caring, ever-loving, diligent,
hard-working Mommas who read this-
God Bless You!
Have a great Mother's day!
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God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....
"You will lose someone you can't live without and your heart will be broken. The bad news is that you neve...
Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds. ...
Oh my gosh! As I sit here, leisurely I might add, at 4:08 am on Wednesday morning...I am awestruck at what took place yesterday at the Sprin...
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Oh the video brought me to tears...i seem to cry at the drop of the hat myself anymore...but I also believe it's a good thing...there were to many years I didnt cry. I will get back to that part..I loved what you shared and have also thought about Mary...I dont know if I could of watched a child of mine go through all that...I would have been fighting to save them and crushed in the interm...Have you read the women of the bible series by Francine Rivers? they now have all 5 books in one book called lineage of grace..these are amazing books and give you a perspective as if you were these women! I had each book individualy... I also was a singel parent..not once, not twice, but 3 times! Yes, crazy but each daughter changed my life...the first really changed it..I was just so self destructive due to the fact I believed my fathers words about me..I received no child suport, no welfare, no help from my parents...but I had another set of hands helping 2003 I wrote a song about that..simply stated part of it this "She tucked her babe in at night, sat all alone in the evening light, and the word left unspoken filled the air, but the man upstairs did hear,( the chorus) "I know I've done wrong, I know it ain't right, but I promise you this, here tonight... I will do everything I can...if you will be my extra set of hands." and he was!!! so this really touched me...thanks for sharing this...another wonderful post. love you Mrs Linda :)
Stopping in to wish you a belated Happy Mother's Day! Such a great post full of wisdom for the stages they go through! I'm off to click on the video- haven't seen it yet :) Love you sweet friend!!
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