Saturday, November 25, 2006


" What would you do......

if you knew you

could not fail?"


Anonymous said...

Paisley said she would go to college right now, (she is a 9th grader) WoW......

Kevin said he would go to Vegas and put $1,000,000 down on one hand of Black Jack........

Adam said he had 90 thousand things pass through his head instantly, like he would avocate World Peace...or eliminate World Hunger...or prove that there really is a God...or create the perfect frappiccino and sell it to Starbucks...invent a time machine that worked...etc........

Gee now your challenging me to ponder all the things I am fearful of again...........



Thank you for making me look deep inside myself...........

The Farrell Family said...

That is a great question. I think that I would tell everyone about God so that we could all share in the glory of heaven together.

God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....

          "You will lose someone you can't live without and your               heart will be broken. The bad news is that you neve...