Friday, November 10, 2006


Welcome to my blog and my reflections, lessons, joys, challenges, blessings, and learnings in life. February 5th, 2007 I will turn 60. So as days, weeks, and months lead up to celebrating 60 years on the planet, I find myself growing, changing, and challenging myself even more... as I lean into who I am now and what I want to learn. I invite you to share this journey and look forward to your comments, learnings, and sharings.

Love, Linda


The Farrell Family said...

I'm looking forward to hearing stories, learnings, etc. You have lived a wonderful and rich life and I know that I have loved every minute as a part of it!

Loves and hugs

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear/read all that you come up with... you so wise and have so much to share. I love you, Jess Jess

Melissa said...

I found Jessi's blog from reading Kim's blog and now found your blog from a comment you left on Kim's.
Phew that was a mouth full. :-)

I look forward to hearing your words of wisdom.


kathibest said...

Linda, I am so excited to see that you have started a blog.......

I look forward learning more about you and look forward to sharing your journey to 60........

Your eyes in this picture are very inspiring, they show that you knew at a young age that you would make a positive difference in this world....

you look adorable......

God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....

          "You will lose someone you can't live without and your               heart will be broken. The bad news is that you neve...