Friday, November 10, 2006

Go For It With Gusto!

As far back as I can remember, I've always LOVED life! (and that really is in capital letters) Even being born with one hand, I remember never feeling afraid to be visible, to smile, and to embrace life. I've had faith in people, in their innate goodness, and thrown myself into being a participant in all life has to offer. Looking back, I have memories of a tap dancing little girl, riding horses at full speed, and laughing endlessly. Later on, I have memories of skiing when I was 7-months-pregnant with Jessi, skinny dipping in Lake Union in Seattle at 40, and jet skiing at Diamond Lake with my clothes on at 50. Along the way, I've also always brought home stray dogs, children, and students who seemed lost and homeless. The hardest part of having a broken ankle this last summer was harnessing my zest to swim, walk, play at the lake, and be active. I had to find new places to put my energy! I remember in high school when Mr. Hanberg, our student government advisor, told me, "Linda, You can't keep going like this! You'll burn out by 30!" Well, as 60 approaches and I still have two full time jobs, family activities with children and grandchildren, church and school activities, and more... I find a short nap from time to time helps to recharge my batteries :) At 60 and beyond, I STILL want to live every day as if it was my last! Full bore... All out... Go for it with gusto!!


The Farrell Family said...

You love for life is contagious. You can see it permeating the lives and hearts of every one that you meet.

Melissa said...

I can only hope to be as energetic at 60 as you are. You are a great example of living life to the fullest. Thanks.


kathibest said...

Hey I saw you this summer at Diamond Lake riding around the Lake on a Jet Ski with your cast still on your foot.........

Again putting in a 15 hour day cheering Roger and Jessi on for Ironman, still with your cast on your foot.............

It appeared to me that even a broken foot couldn't keep you down......

From the first time I met you Linda, when Paisely was in Jessi's 4th grade class, I was inspired by your vivacious personality, your zest for life, your charisma and your amazing adoration and support of your daughter, I never noticed your hand..........

Your are and amazing woman, I am blessed to know you..........

God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....

          "You will lose someone you can't live without and your               heart will be broken. The bad news is that you neve...