Friday, September 28, 2007


Yesterday was amazing on so many levels! Not an easy day for me at the college, but I am learning (again) that being a person of integrity means doing what has to be done, even if it isn't easy!

That principle certainly applies to working on a healthy life style!

This week I did what I said I would do. I kept promises to myself!

I did more exercise, I drank more water, I kept track of every morsel of food that I put in my mouth. It wasn't easy, in fact it was darn tough at times! And my response to it being tough? So what if it is tough!!

If I want this badly enough, and I do, then I have to be willing to do the hard work. The results are worth it!

It takes courage to work on yourself. Bravery Ribbons help. I wore mine all day yesterday and to Weight Watchers. They were a visible reminder to me that I CAN do this! I DO have it inside me to be strong! I am NOT alone. God is right there with me as I do my situps, take my walks, eat my Lean Cuisine Meals, make a good choice at a restaurant, and get on the scale at a Weight Watcher meeting!

Drum roll please: I lost 3.4 more pounds for a total of 11.6 pounds! (she says with a smile)

A huge thank you to all of you who have kept me in your prayers! That means the world to me. A huge thank you to those who have emailed, been on my blog, called, checked in, or asked how it is going. That support makes a big difference!

If you see a cute 60 year old dancing down the street, lighter on her heels, her clothes a little looser, wearing a grin and flashing her bravery ribbons...well that person is ME!!

Love and hugs to all who read this! God Bless! Love, Linda

Thursday, September 27, 2007

BRAVERY RIBBONS- Kudos to Emma and Kayla

Growing up one of the favorite sayings in my home was "Feel the fear...and do it anyway!"
In essence my Dad was teaching me that life is full of risks and changes that make us feel fearful. When we try something new, or go back to something challenging, there will often be moments of panic and fear. Our self talk may become something like..."Why did I think this was a good idea?"..."What if I fail?"..."What if this doesn't work out like I thought it would?"

If the goal is one that I really want to shoot for ...I was taught to say to myself "Feel the fear...and do it anyway!"

Feeling the fear may mean buckets and buckets of tears. It may mean finding support from others, it may mean getting afraid, backing out, starting all over again, or approaching the goal with tiny, fearful steps. It truly takes great courage to deal with your worst fears and tackle life head on.

It helps to know that you are not alone, that others love you and support you. It helps me to know that I'm NEVER really alone! God is always there, holding me up when I feel afraid!

You can feel afraid if you are 4, 10,or 60. And my two role models this week for "feeling the fear and doing it anyway" are my granddaughters Emma and Kayla!

Let's start with the youngest "Fear Fighter"! Emma has had a tough few weeks transitioning from summer to pre-school, ballet, and daycare. She is used to Mommy and Daddy being there 24/7. She misses everyone. This normally self-confident little dynamo has hit a hard spot, as we all do. She has been filled with fear. Tears have flowed, and she has had a heart-breaking time adjusting. She has cried endlessly and so has Jessi. Rog and Jessi have brainstormed constantly about how to support her. We have been praying for her strength as have so many others. Even a group of older "Grandma-type" seniors at my church (one is 99 :)) have been praying. As Mother Eardman told me last Saturday "Of course I will put that sweet darling in my prayers! You watch. God will lift her up!" You gotta love that resolve and she is 99!

On Tuesday Emma decided to try ballet again. The beginning was very rocky. Yet Jessi had put "bravery ribbons" in her hair to remind her that she was brave and she could do this!

When I heard about the "Bravery ribbons" I started to cry. I missed my Mom. I wanted her to be in my life right now and make bravery ribbons for me. I wanted to immediately start a company that marketed bravery ribbons. Bravery Ribbons are a visual reminder that you have the courage and strength inside you to do what you need and want to do!

Emma felt the fear at ballet, and if you look at Jessi's blog you'll see that she at first took very tiny steps. And then, boosted by love, support, care, concern and prayers from all over...she joined the ballet class again!! Praise God!

Emma called me Tuesday night with the usual lift and strength in her voice. She said, "Nana, I DID IT! I didn't cry. I had a great day at ballet!" Now understand, in all the enthusiasm, it came out very fast and a bit hard for me to catch all of it. But what I heard her say clearly was "I so ESCITED!" That's how we feel when we face our fears! What a great role model for all of us! Way to go Emma!

My second "Fear Fighter" role model is my ten year old granddaughter Kayla! Kayla is absolutely amazing, beautiful inside and out. If you asked ten people in our family they would describe her as loving, kind, compassionate, a great friend, a hard worker, someone who always does her best, and a lover of Jesus! I LOVE to talk to Kayla and we have N and K time together (Nana and Kayla Time!) We talk about the Lord, about books we are reading, about how to get along with difficult people, about life!)

Kayla has been through lots of HUGE changes in the past few years. A few of these include having her family go through a divorce, re-marriages of both parents, new siblings and family added to her life, new homes to live in, new schools to go to, and new friends to make. Most adults I know would whine endlessly about having to go through this. Yet Kayla tackles change with God by her side. She feels the fear and does it anyway. She does change graciously and gratefully!

This year brought new changes as well. After a great time, and being well known at her old grade school, she started 5th grade at a new school, Woodridge Elementary. She is making new friends and wants to be involved in student government. So what is she doing...she is running for school secretary! Oh my awesome and brave is that!!

She won the Primary in her class and now is campaigning at the school. She is telling everyone... I am new here, I want to do this, and I could do it well!!! I am SO PROUD of her!
Instead of focusing on being new, and expecting that to be a negative, she is being brave and going for her goals! She is looking fear in the face and saying "Get out! You won't stop me!!"

She deserves bravery ribbons, just like Emma! Way to go Sis!

So if today you are feeling fear, if you are wanting to hide or run away, if fear is getting the better of you... think of these two brave young women!! Take a few small steps toward your goals knowing that sometimes just making the effort when you are scared deserves a trophy!

Today I have a weight watcher weigh in. This morning I'm making myself some bravery ribbons! I'll be the one at the meeting dressed in style, wearing ribbons and carrying the love of two amazing granddaughters in my heart!

Have a great day! "Feel the fear and do it anyway!"...and while you are at it...make yourself some bravery ribbons!
God Bless! Love, Linda

Friday, September 21, 2007


I went to my 12:15 Weight Watcher meeting yesterday and found out that I had maintained my weight, not gained or lost. So I am still at 8.2 pounds lost after three weeks. While that's still ahead of my goal of 2 pounds a week...I am stepping up my program!! I am intensifying my battle plan!!

This morning I got up and did my walk and added situps to the routine. While my coffee is perking I will be doing situps from now on! Also, because of school starting on Monday, I had neglected my usual walk all longer! School has started and I will still continue to walk my 14 blocks 5 times a week!

I am writing down every point of every morsel of food! Last night I had dinner with Jessi and Emma at "Chris Robin" on the north side. Before they arrived I talked to the waitress about what on the menu would be Weight Watcher friendly. She had been to Weight Watchers and
knew the point total of the kid''s turkey burger with or without bun with steamed veggies and teriyaki sauce. So I had that (without the bun) :)

Thanks to Jessi for her encouragement about taking a swim class at SCC (I'll look into that today) Thanks sweetie for your support and encouragement and being proud of me for my efforts! It means a great deal to have your support!

And thanks to Amy for your continued help in getting to meetings, your constant checking in (how is your eating going today?) and for the text message that boosted my spirits! Going with you to those meetings makes all the difference. Also, thanks for making me a Weight Watcher lunch yesterday after the meeting! It is so helpful and fun to do this together!

I am encouraged by Galatians 5:1 that says "Thank you Lord that it is for freedom that you have set us free. Help her to STAND FIRM and not be entangled again in this slavery."
I do not want to be entangled in a slavery to eating poorly! Thanks Aim for sending me that perfect devotional!

Also I saw an impactful advertisement on TV for talking to your kids about drugs. It showed a Mommy talking to a little girl (probably 3). The little girl says, "Mommy, why is Nana gone?" The Mom with a tear in her eye says, after a long pause, "Honey, you know how the pretty spring flowers come and then they go away?" The little girl says "Yes". The Mommy says"Well that's what happened to Nana."

The ad then says if you can talk to them about death you can talk to them about drugs! Oh my gosh...I started to cry. I could see Kayla, Emma, and Jenna's face in that little girl! I am their Nana, as well as Jacob's, Zac's and my other grandkid's Nana.

I KNOW I was meant to see that ad to help me resolve to get healthy so I can stay on the planet longer!!! I am stepping up the battle plan! I am armed with my WW Tracker, my support sytem, my Bible quote, and my own STAND FIRM resolve! This body is God's temple...and I am improving how I take care of it!

Look out pounds! No more will be gone!!

Love and hugs to all who read this! God Bless! Love Linda (aka Nana)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

IT'S OFFICIAL - I'm Back To School !!!!

The first day of school has ALWAYS been a landmark day for me. Even in first grade I remember being so excited that I could hardly sleep. I remember picking out my clothes and carefully putting them out for the next morning. The first day of school has always been a mix of pure joy, butterflies, and curiosity!

Things haven't changed!

Yesterday was my first day back at SCC. It was also the start of my 40th, yes 40th, year of teaching! I woke up at 1:30 in the morning and wished we could all get going at 2:30.
However, I was at SCC at 5:30 am and ready to do last minute organizing and prepare my color-coded Daily Bulletins (talking about daily goals, quote of the day "Never , never, never give up!", and a reminder about their homework assignment (interview questions to ask me).

We spent much of the first hour doing student interviews, having music on, and enough plants for a greenhouse! My room looked darn festive...if I do say so myself...and it was great to hear the chatter of their sweet voices!

Lots of former students stopped by and 20 of them are taking a new class from me. I am teaching Interpersonal Communication, Conflict Management, and Intercultural Communication! I love all of these subjects and learn lots of new things during each quarter.

For me, teaching is the best job in the world...very tough and challenging, tons of work, but the rewards are amazing!

I'm ready to head off to school in a few minutes, but I just feel so grateful that God has blessed me with a career that allows me to give to others! I wanted to share my JOY with you!

Love and HUGS to all who read this!

Have a great day! God Bless! Linda

Saturday, September 15, 2007

MAKING PROFOUND CHANGES- Internally and Externally

This summer was one of the best times of my life! I was SO appreciative of being able to walk and get around, compared to the previous summer when I was in a cast, that the daily theme became one of deep and sustained GRATITUDE!

Small gifts, by some people's standards, became monumental to me. Here are just a few of those gifts that started a chain of profound internal and external growth:

1) I was grateful to be able to wear "real" shoes.
2) I was grateful to be able to walk a block.
3) I was grateful to be able to push Emma and her stroller at Ironman.
4) I was grateful to be able to walk in the sand at Cannon Beach! (no I could feel the sand between my toes) :)
5) I was grateful to get to go swimming.
6) I was grateful to go off the diving board at the lake with Jacob.
7) I was grateful to go in the inner tube behind the boat and scream my lungs out.
8) I was able to go through airport security without having my cast checked.
9) I was grateful to be able to get "in" my garden and plant my plants (steep incline).
10) I was grateful for a better back, one that was not impacted by walking with a cast.
11) I was able to hold and rock Jenna, and walk her around, without being in pain.
and the list goes on.

Here are a few of my INTERNAL changes:
As I became more grateful, more aware of all the blessings I take for granted, a profound change began to happen. After all, I have been healthy and active MY WHOLE LIFE!!!

I never knew what an incredible blessing that was until my movement was contained and limited. I have rarely been sick! I have lived my whole life in an all-out go for it mode of operation! Bring it on has been my motto!
I know and live with people who have health problems daily, who live with chronic pain. The blessing of shattering my ankle was that suddenly I had some idea of what they were going through.

When my health was renewed, and that really happened this summer, I was given a gift. A second chance at making some profound changes! I am so thankful to God for my renewed health and vitality!

I am reading an amazing book, a mind-bender called 100 Ways To Motivate Yourself- Change Your Life Forever. It is written by Steve Chandler.and was recommended to me by one of my life-mentors. The thoughts and exercises in this book are not simple, often heard cliches. Each one can change your thinking and doing! They deal with your most profound inner fears and the paths of self-doubt and self-sabatage that have been etched into the memory paths of our brains. His "Get On Your Deathbed" Exercise has changed my life! I am currently on #44 of ways to motivate yourself!

So I am making internal changes through reading this book, having a support system, and prayer! My new motto is...if not NOW...when?? The time for change is NOW! I am sixty and don't have time to spare! I want to appreciate and be grateful for everything and have my choices and life celebrate that gratitude!

Here are a few of the External changes:

1) I love interior design and in the last two weeks I have re-designed my sunroom, living room, dining room, and outdoor room!
2) I re-designed my front porch and planted mums in all my planters and in the area leading into our driveway!
3) I have joined Weight Watchers and changed my eating habits. In two weeks I have lost 8.2 pounds!
4) I have stepped up my exercise program to 16 blocks, five times a week!
5) I have completely cleaned out my classroom and brought in art, sayings, lamps, table cloths and re-done the bulletin boards in there! School hasn't started but I have spent ten hours there in the last two days.
6) I re-did the bulletin boards outside my office!
7) Today I am planting the fall planters on my back deck.
8) I have cleaned out my car, with Bert's help, a long hated task that I always want to avoid.
9) I got my oil changed and my new tabs ahead of schedule.
10) I am working on forgiveness and really letting go...of old attitudes and hurts!
11) I am blogging more and reaching out more to those I care about.
12) I am being more honest and authentic.
13) I am praying more and reading my Bible more.

I am cleaning house, literally. I am cleaning out old junk, in my places of living and working and in my mind and heart.

Amazingly, I have done these tasks GRATEFULLY, not begrudgingly. I am MORE energized and happy after doing them! Anne Lammott says, in Traveling Mercies, that simple tasks, done in gratitude, are a form of prayer!

I am so GRATEFUL for life, for each day! As I sing my praise songs at the top of my lungs in the car, I know that it is a new "season" for me. God has given me a second chance and I am embracing it with open arms!

Thanks to all of you for your care and support! It makes a difference!

God Bless! Love, Linda

Thursday, September 13, 2007


It has been a crazy week with two birthday celebrations, However, with one exception, I did a pretty good job at portion control, drinking lots of water, and getting in my exercise! I am diligently working toward my pound at a time!!!

Drum Roll please...I lost three pounds!!!

My goal is 2 lbs a week so I am pleased!

God Bless and hugs to all who read this! Love, Linda

THURSDAY THIRTEEN- Making a Case for Reading and Thirteen of My Favorite Books

First let me say that I am about to begin my 40th year as a teacher and professor! Being a teacher colors everything in my life! I LOVE to learn new information (about dinosauers...thank you Jacob) or politics (thank you Richard A. Clark) or motivation of employees (thank you Ken Blanchard) or spiritual growth (thank you Anne Lamott)!

I am a life-long learner, a world citizen, a political activist, and someone who LOVES a good book. On my last spiritual retreat (7 days) I read eight books! These books are windows to the world, avenues for new thought and critical thinking, and expanders of my mind and heart!
They twique my vocabulary, and I keep a thesaurus next to me as I read.

One of my greatest fears is becoming stagnant and refusing to see and learn about new ideas.
Books help keep that from happening. Do you only talk about one or two topics with everyone? Want to expand your areas of interest (so you won't bore yourself or others)? Read a great new book! :)

I grew up reading. I learned to love reading from my first grade teacher, Miss Ella Faye, and from my Mom who read biographies all the time. My father read three newspapers each day...The Seattle Times, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times. We always talked about what he read. As a youngster I had a much cherished set of books that I read and re-read... the Nancy Drew series being one of these.

As an adult, I am a member of Oprah Winfrey's Book Club, and I have read many of the books on her list. Besides reading books, I love to discuss what I read with others who have read the same book. I even love to talk about books I haven't yet read with others who love to read. Recently my grandaughter Kayla and I had a discussion about our favorite books in our "N and K Time" (that's Nana and Kayla time.) Like me, Kayla is an avid reader, especially of horse books!

So, now that I've made a case for reading :) (sorry, just couldn't help myself) are thirteen of my current favorites:

1) Traveling Mercies- Anne Lamott (a must-read, amazing and hilarious book about spiritual life)

2) How To Have Intelligent and Creative Conversations With Your Kids- Jane Healy (it will change how you parent with children of any age)

3) Against All Enemies- Inside America's War on Terror -Richard A. Clark ( a way to understand the war in Iraq through new eyes)

4) Forgiveness- The Greatest Healer of All- Jerry Jampolsky (amazing book on letting go)

5) Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships- Ken Blanchard ( a book about customer service)

6) Cure for the Common Life-Living In Your Sweet Spot - Max Lucado (God made only one you! Appreciating Your Uniqueness)

7) Tuesday's With Morrie- Mitch Albom (learning life lessons from the conversations of an old man and young man)

8) The Invitation- Oriah (the most interesting take on finding yourself and living passionately that I've read in a long time)

9) The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team- Patrick Lencioni (so creative, a must read for anyone on any team)

10) Mind Waves- Arlene Taylor (a map to understanding your own brain and the brains of others so you can better connect with those around you)

11) Changing Course- Women's Inspiring Stories of Menopause-Yitta Halberstam ( a whole new way to look at the journey of menopause, read before menopause, during menopause, or after menopause)

12) A Good Yarn- Betty Macomber ( This Port Orchard author has sold more than 60 million books. A terrific fiction story of how women love and support each other)

13) The Tin Roof Blowdown- James Lee Burke ( A mystery set in New Orleans after Katrina)

You may say to yourself.. "Self, I have no time to read. Someday I'll read that book. Sometime, when my life calms down, I'll find the time."

My response? Want to be a great role model to your children? Role model reading and read to them! It may change your life and theirs!

Have you read any great books lately? I'd love to hear about some of your favorites! :)

God Bless! Love Linda

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


There really aren't words to describe the gift Bert is to my life! He is an angel, sent from God, to mend my heart and bring me 25 years of happiness and delight! Today is his 73rd birthday!

Here are just a few of the things I LOVE about Bert:

1) I love your humble and unselfish spirit...your joy in helping others to shine!

2) I love your heart and how deeply you care for those around you!

3) I love that in 25 years you have kept ALL of your wedding vows. I have felt honored and cherished every day of those 25 years!

4) I love that you embraced and embrace Amy and Jessi as your own daughters!

5) I love your creative spirit..that named and helped to develop Windsurfing!

6) I love that you are an amazing counselor and have helped so many people!

7) I love that you always go to church with me, even at the churches over the years that were not your favorite!

8) I love that you cry easily and are not ashamed of your tears!

9) I love that you stick up for me and feel incensed toward anyone who would try to hurt me.

10) I love that you loved me enough to get sober and stay sober!

11) I love that you write letters, even when you have dyslexia.

12) I love your crazy sense of humor that allows you to make endless "tooting" noises in the car with Jacob.

13) I love that you have helped extended family members get help and counseling.

14) I love that every day you walk my car down the driveway, throw me a kiss, and say "Praise the Lord!".

15) I love that you tell me the hard truth because you love me.

16) I love that you loved my Dad and found great things about him.

17) I love that you think I'm cute and sexy!

18) I love that even though you have a very difficult chronic illness and have been through a tough NEVER complained!

19) I love that you are always pointing out the simple beauties in life to me...Like a deep red sunset or gorgeous flower!
and so many more...!
You are SO wonderful and the LOVE of my life! Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Your Nans

Monday, September 10, 2007


In a recent blog entry Lorie started a conversation about prayer. I posted on her blog and my post got longer and...longer. Not hard for an extrovert :) However I realized several things as I started to write about this topic and my own journey of faith and prayer:

1) The topic of faith and prayer speaks to the core of who I am and who I long to be.

2) I often read blogs about the discipline of being a triathlete and the training and races it takes to improve at that sport. I'm a walker, not a triathlete. However the "race" I am running, the time I am my walk with God. Prayer is a huge part of that walk.

3) If you asked me to list the three most important parts of my life, my relationship with God would be in my top three. At times it is number one, other times it is third. My relationship with family and the people I love is right up there as well.

Communicating with God , talking to God, listening to God, having quality time with God nourishes my life. That relationship requires time, intention, care, honesty, listening, and talking, just as any human relationship does. If I don't spend quality time focusing on Bert, our relationship gets stale and it doesn't grow. If I neglect my relationship with God (don't learn more, worship, pray) my relationship with God is in words only. My behavior doesn't say that God is a priority. My relationship with God gets stale.

4) I started my relationship with the Lord when I went to Malibu at the end of 8th grade. It was
there that I met God and Jesus face-to-face, heart-to-heart.

However, truth be told, at times I have set God on the back burner of my life. I felt like I had all the answers. And yet when push came to shove, and tragedy struck, I would talk to God (pray) without so much as an apology for ignoring Him. At those moments of grief and despair I turned to Him expecting Him to change the course of events..for Him to make everything better.

I remember those times and am struck by how human that is and at the same time how totally self centered that is. Amazingly, He forgives me for being so self-centered.

5) Going to church, worshiping with others, going on spiritual retreats, reading
books about faith, and praying is how I grow and get more mature in my faith and prayer life. This isn't easy. It takes a huge amount of self discipline.

6) Really loving God with all of my mind, heart and soul...and loving others as NOT an easy task. Those are not just words. This is a daily walk. I can only do this with His help. I'm not humanly capable of this. Praying to Him is part of that journey.

7) Etty Hillesum, the young Jewish girl who kept a diary during her stay at Auschwitz, wrote of her "uninterrupted dialogue" with God. She had epiphanies even in that morally
barren place. She prayed,

"Sometimes when I stand in some corner of the camp, my feet planted on Your earth, my eyes raised towards Your Heaven, tears sometimes stream down my face, tears of deep emotion and gratitude." She knew the horror. "And I want to be right here in the thick of horror and still be able to say: life is beautiful...For once you have begun to walk with God, you need only keep on walking with God and talking with God. He is in that horror with you and He will give you joy and peace."

8) I have some favorite books that encourage me in my faith and prayer life. Here are just a few:

The Bible- The Message- translation by Eugene Peterson
Traveling Mercies- Ann Lamott
Grace Eventually- Ann Lamott
Prayer- Does It Make A difference? Philip Yancey
Come Away My Beloved- Frances Roberts
Jesus in Blue Jeans
The Only Necessary Thing-Living A Prayerful Life-Henri Nouwen

9) Yancey, a Christian author says, "If I had to answer the question "Why pray?" in one sentence, it would be, "Because Jesus did."

10) Every morning I start my life with a cup of coffee and this prayer:

Dear God...
As I wake up this morning
may Your spirit come upon me.
May my mind receive Your emanations,
my soul receive Your blessing,
and my heart receive Your love.

May all those I meet
or even think of on this day
feel better for it.

May I contribute peace.

May I serve Your purposes
with all I say and do,
today and always.

Please show me how.


Love and Hugs to all who read this! God Bless! Love, Linda

Friday, September 07, 2007

Personal Goals- Weight Watchers Weigh In

Losing weight, eating healthy, and consistently getting exercise is a long-term personal goal for me. It is also a struggle. My schedule is often so full that I struggle with making time for self-care for me. This is a life-long struggle, but one I have not given up on.


I am going to a Weight Watchers meeting in north Spokane every Thursday at 11:45.
Amy is going there and gently and lovingly encouraged me to go with her :)

At my weigh in this week (held on Wednesday night because I was doing an all-day workshop on Thursday) I lost...drum roll please.... 5.2 pounds!

I am doing the program and since my ankle feels better walking four times a week!

I love working on goals, but the hardest goal for me is healthy eating and consistent exercise.
I am using positive self talk and a support system to stay on top of my daily eating. I am holding myself accountable by a public weigh in, and being careful about the food I have in the house. I am writing down how many "points" I am using each day.

Thanks Aim for your help in getting started again! Thanks Kim Ellis for the inspiration and your own accountability on your blog.

I'll keep you posted!

God Bless! Love Linda

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Precious Ballerina- Dedicated to Jessi

Oh beautiful twir-r-rling girl,
Swishing costumes,
Leaping high.

Hands in "pedition"
Listening carefully,
Boundless energy, harnessed only for a moment.

Precious ballerina,
Do you know you have stolen my heart?

I look at you, your deep knowing eyes,
Your graceful movement,
Your beaming smile.

I catch you looking at me.
Did my Nana ever dance?

Darling, twir-r-rling bundle of delight,
I remember the "peditions" too.

Not so long ago.
In Margaret Tappings School of the Dance,
I found my wings.

I learned to twir-r-rl and soar.
And one day I took flight.
You will too.

But for now, precious ballerina...
Twir-r-rl by me.

You with your mommy's eyes
You with that inner sparkle.

There is no wand big enough
No crown sparkly enough
To compete with the dazzle of your love.

Precious ballerina
Twir-r-rling girl
Keep dancing!

I love you Jess Jess! I love you Emma! Your Momma and Nana

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I Remember Your First Day of Kindergarten- Dedicated to Amy

It doesn't seem so long ago,
In fact, only yesterday.
The image is etched in my mind and heart.

You seemed so tiny, yet no longer the sweet blonde baby I had held and cherished.
Now you were old enough to help pick out your dress,
tell me how you wanted your hair, and pick out what you would have for lunch.

Those tiny hands, once so little that they fit inside mine
Could hold a pencil and write your own name.

How precious time had flown.
Did you know, my darling sweet daughter
That you etched your name into my heart.

No sweeter word than Mommy.
That morning you called it as always.
Now you said...
"Mommy... I am all ready to go to school!"

Your sister, your protector, was already a school veteran.
She knew the ropes.
She rode the bus and it would not do for me to drive you.
You said, your hand on your hip, "Mommy, I am not a baby!"

Yes, my sweet Amy, I know that.
But my heart isn't so sure.

I watched you both get on the giant yellow school beast.
I sat in my car, trying not to whail the whail of all mothers who let their children go...
one inch at a time.

You are so small.
You are so precious.
Your beautiful blonde hair shining in the sun.

Who will be there to wipe away your tears if you fall down?
Who will wipe away mine?

I see your small face come to the back window of the bus.
Your sister's shadow right behind you.
You wave as if all is OK.

But my hands and feet have a life of their own.
My car pulls out, following that small smile all the way to school.
And then you are gone, inside, out of sight.

Kindergarten has started.

I can barely drive home.
My eyes are flooded with tears.
I am so proud of how brave you are.

And this morning, you send your precious Jacob to kindergarten.
A new milestone, a full day of school.
Life comes full circle.

You will see his small focused face... disappear into that school house.
A final wave, a kiss a little longer than usual.
And you'll hold a little tighter to Jenna
As you touch her small hand.

I love you sweetie! I'm thinking about you this morning!
You and Jacob are in my prayers! God Bless! Your Momma

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Food For My Soul...

"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me."

-Tamara Hall

I have lived with the Serenity Prayer for many years, like many recovering people. I LOVE this revised version of this prayer. It came from Jessi's blog. She heard it from a speaker at the Mead all-school meeting.

I plan to order Tamara Hall's book When Life Kicks, Kick back. Her refreshing approach to daily life seems like water on the desert sands! It's truly food for my soul.

Simply put, I need and want to work on all three parts of this prayer.

I want to honor and accept the people I cannot change.
I want to have the courage to make personal changes.
I want to have the wisdom to know that the only person I can change is...ME!!

This comes at a perfect time! I needed to hear this!

God Bless! Love, Linda

God is Good ALL the Time! The Last Six Months....

          "You will lose someone you can't live without and your               heart will be broken. The bad news is that you neve...