Thursday, September 13, 2007

THURSDAY THIRTEEN- Making a Case for Reading and Thirteen of My Favorite Books

First let me say that I am about to begin my 40th year as a teacher and professor! Being a teacher colors everything in my life! I LOVE to learn new information (about dinosauers...thank you Jacob) or politics (thank you Richard A. Clark) or motivation of employees (thank you Ken Blanchard) or spiritual growth (thank you Anne Lamott)!

I am a life-long learner, a world citizen, a political activist, and someone who LOVES a good book. On my last spiritual retreat (7 days) I read eight books! These books are windows to the world, avenues for new thought and critical thinking, and expanders of my mind and heart!
They twique my vocabulary, and I keep a thesaurus next to me as I read.

One of my greatest fears is becoming stagnant and refusing to see and learn about new ideas.
Books help keep that from happening. Do you only talk about one or two topics with everyone? Want to expand your areas of interest (so you won't bore yourself or others)? Read a great new book! :)

I grew up reading. I learned to love reading from my first grade teacher, Miss Ella Faye, and from my Mom who read biographies all the time. My father read three newspapers each day...The Seattle Times, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times. We always talked about what he read. As a youngster I had a much cherished set of books that I read and re-read... the Nancy Drew series being one of these.

As an adult, I am a member of Oprah Winfrey's Book Club, and I have read many of the books on her list. Besides reading books, I love to discuss what I read with others who have read the same book. I even love to talk about books I haven't yet read with others who love to read. Recently my grandaughter Kayla and I had a discussion about our favorite books in our "N and K Time" (that's Nana and Kayla time.) Like me, Kayla is an avid reader, especially of horse books!

So, now that I've made a case for reading :) (sorry, just couldn't help myself) are thirteen of my current favorites:

1) Traveling Mercies- Anne Lamott (a must-read, amazing and hilarious book about spiritual life)

2) How To Have Intelligent and Creative Conversations With Your Kids- Jane Healy (it will change how you parent with children of any age)

3) Against All Enemies- Inside America's War on Terror -Richard A. Clark ( a way to understand the war in Iraq through new eyes)

4) Forgiveness- The Greatest Healer of All- Jerry Jampolsky (amazing book on letting go)

5) Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships- Ken Blanchard ( a book about customer service)

6) Cure for the Common Life-Living In Your Sweet Spot - Max Lucado (God made only one you! Appreciating Your Uniqueness)

7) Tuesday's With Morrie- Mitch Albom (learning life lessons from the conversations of an old man and young man)

8) The Invitation- Oriah (the most interesting take on finding yourself and living passionately that I've read in a long time)

9) The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team- Patrick Lencioni (so creative, a must read for anyone on any team)

10) Mind Waves- Arlene Taylor (a map to understanding your own brain and the brains of others so you can better connect with those around you)

11) Changing Course- Women's Inspiring Stories of Menopause-Yitta Halberstam ( a whole new way to look at the journey of menopause, read before menopause, during menopause, or after menopause)

12) A Good Yarn- Betty Macomber ( This Port Orchard author has sold more than 60 million books. A terrific fiction story of how women love and support each other)

13) The Tin Roof Blowdown- James Lee Burke ( A mystery set in New Orleans after Katrina)

You may say to yourself.. "Self, I have no time to read. Someday I'll read that book. Sometime, when my life calms down, I'll find the time."

My response? Want to be a great role model to your children? Role model reading and read to them! It may change your life and theirs!

Have you read any great books lately? I'd love to hear about some of your favorites! :)

God Bless! Love Linda


LORIE said...

I have grown to love reading. Some of my favorite books:

Current read: Crazy Sexy Cancer
Favorites: Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

LORIE said...

Other Favorites: The Four Agreements by Miquel Ruiz, Is your momma a llama?, Grapes of Wrath and Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Linda Seppa Salisbury said...

Thanks for posting some of your favorites! Like you, I love The Joy
Luck Club (both book and movie). The Four Agreements has been helpful in simplifyimg my daily goals!

The prayer I say daily comes from a book by Marianne Williamson.

Years ago a book that was very helpful to me, after the end of a relationship, was How To Survive The Loss Of A Love. I carried that around in my purse for a year.

Keep me posted if you find any other "super reads"!

God Bless! Love Linda

Anonymous said...

The fifth one looks great. I am a fan of Ken Blanchard books. I use it to gain ideas for managing people.

You might be interested in the Young Entrepreneur Society from the A great documentary about successful entrepreneurs.

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