Thursday, September 13, 2007


It has been a crazy week with two birthday celebrations, However, with one exception, I did a pretty good job at portion control, drinking lots of water, and getting in my exercise! I am diligently working toward my pound at a time!!!

Drum Roll please...I lost three pounds!!!

My goal is 2 lbs a week so I am pleased!

God Bless and hugs to all who read this! Love, Linda


The Farrell Family said...

Great job Mom! I'm proud of you... for your loss... but even more for going to the meeting and being accountable!

Hope to see less of you at the next meeting.


Kim Herring said...

Linda - Way to go! I've got a couple of birthday celebrations this week as well and I'm hoping that the scale is as kind to me as it was you.

Awesome job!

jessithompson said...

I love you and witnessed several great choices that you made. You left Roger's birthday party before the cake to avoid the temptation. You also turned down a snack at my house to stay true to your goal of not eating late at night. I am so proud of you and excited that you are working hard towards this... excited for you, and for all of us who love you and want you to be around for a long time. Way to go, Mama!

kathibest said...

WoW! Talk about mixed emotions!

It is sad that something so precious as a Birthday celebration could also create as atmosphere of potential sabatage to a health goal.

And I say potential sabatage becasse it is only sabatage if you allow it to be.

It sounds like you did a great job of navigating around the temptations and chose to honor yourself and your goals.

I am inspired by your committment to your weight goals.

You are being an inspiration to more than you know!

And I am collecting another hug, to be redeemed at our next meeting :o)

3lbs is incredible, your heart is jumping for joy!

I am sending Love and hugs and strength your way!

LORIE said...

Be sure to reward yourself. .. .

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